Hyperbole from news media on the subject of evolution is nothing new. So, when reports started appearing in the secular media that South Korea was removing the teaching of evolution from schools, most creationists would have smelled a rat.
Fortunately, our friends at Answers in Genesis had their ear to the ground on this issue, having some links in South Korea. It turns out that the news reports are incorrect. Evolution is not being removed from South Korea’s school curriculum or from its textbooks. References to just two “evidences” for evolution are being removed: a) whale evolution and b) horse evolution.
Whale evolution is something that I have talked about for many years, because of its iconic status and lack of logic and common sense. A future article about whale evolution may be in order.
The linear model of horse evolution is what is being removed from the South Korean curriculum. This traditional evolutionary model, showing a small “eohippus” at one end, and a modern horse at the other, was described by the evolutionary paleontologist Niles Eldridge as “lamentable” and “a classical case of paleontologic museology.” Serious evolutionists have admitted for years that the traditional linear model for horse evolution is wrong, so all the South Korean authorities are doing is removing known errors.
Serious academics should welcome such corrections. However, evolutionists do a song and dance on the subject, because their concerns are not actually about science—they are about worldviews. For example, Michael Majerus, a lecturer on evolution at the University of Cambridge, was asked whether another well-known iconic error—peppered moths—should still be taught in schools. He said: “The answer is an unequivocal ‘yes.’ The basic story is easy to understand.” To so many evolutionists, the fact that the example is “easy to understand” is more important than whether it is actually true.
It is worth pointing out that evolutionists make a lot of noise about education, making a pretense of defending the education of our children against these dreadful creationists who seek to indoctrinate them. The reality is the reverse. Creationists have never been afraid of children being taught evolution, in an environment where genuine scientific criticism is allowed, because we know that the scientific case for evolution is non-existent. The only indoctrination is from those evolutionists who would rather children be taught untruths, so long as they support their presupposed position on evolution.